

Abstraktes Gemälde. Eine angedeutete Figur streckt ihre Hand aus, an der Feuchtigkeit heruntertropft.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN We must choose to live in symbiosis with nature.   Dimensions: 100 cm x 50 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT . STATEMENT ART


Abstraktes Gemälde. 2 Figuren schreiten durch eine Landschaft und wässern und bepflanzen sie.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN We can save the planet and our climate through reforestation.   Dimensions: 120 cm x 100 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Ein schwarz-weißes Gemälde mit Schrift und einem Ast.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN When will the decision in favor of preserving biodiversity in the rainforests come?   Dimensions: 80 cm x 120 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Gemälde von einem Chamäleon auf einem Ast.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN Unique species live in the rainforest. They are losing their habitat due to deforestation.   Dimensions: 80 cm x 120 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Gemälde mit Schrift auf einem ölig glänzenden Untergrund.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN Palm oil is a cheap alternative. To achieve this, rainforests that are millions of years old are being cut down.   Dimensions: 120 cm x 120 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic, palm oil, honey, Nutella and epoxy resin on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT […]


Abstraktes Gemälde mit einer Straße, links verbrannte Erde, rechts grüne Flächen.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN Every road built into the rainforest is the beginning of human destruction.g.   Dimensions: 170 cm x 200 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2022 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Gemälde mit Schrift. Eine Waldszene mit Baumstumpf. Ein Ast mit einer menschlichen Hand reckt sich gen Himmel.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN The destruction of the rainforest is irreparable. We must prevent this.   Dimensions: 120 cm x 120 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic and tree resin on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Abstraktes Gemälde mit grauen Schleiern über grünen Baumkronen.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN Evaporation over the rainforest also provides moisture to distant areas.   Dimensions: 80 cm x 120 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2019 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


Gemälde einer Regenwaldszenerie. Llicht fällt durch die Blätter.

ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN Preserving the ancient rainforest is one of our most urgent goals.   Dimensions: 100 cm x 160 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2021 CONTACT STATEMENT ART


ART STATEMENT . WORKS | DETAIL DE EN What would our destruction of the rainforest look like from the perspective of an extinct species? Dimensions: 180 cm x 150 cm (height x width) Material: acrylic on canvas Year of completion: 2022 CONTACT STATEMENT ART